15 May 2009

Retrieve Yahoo Password: contact the CSR

I have this old, old yahoo account - probably registered 6 years ago and i was still using it in some social networking sites. Now the problem is, i forgot my password on this certain networking site and the only way to recover the said password is through sending a password reset requisition to the email address that i am using on the site. Apparently, there's another problem went thru, i tried requesting for a password reset to be sent on my yahoo account and so it says it was sent to my mail. So i went to yahoomail and logged in to my account, and unfortunately, i realized that i already lost the password that i have registered with that yahoo account. So i wondered, Is there anyway to retrieve a forgotten yahoo password? The first thing that came into my mind was, search google with keyword retrieve yahoo password. Man there was like a myriad of links discussing about this password retrieval. I clicked on one link and it has given procedure on how to request password retrieval on yahoo using another yahoo account. Sounds cool. . Yeah, but do you think there's another way of retrieving your yahoo password than contacting the yahoo Customer Support? Apparently, its a kind of scam.  
The following explains this:
So the procedures are written in a page where you can find a lot of advertisements, probably a blog or something. I am sure that the person who is making this trick is also making a lot of money by posting such write up since there's a lot of stupid people still searching methods on how to retrieve their lost yahoo password and yet trusting unto this scam.

Google search keyword: hack yahoo password

This is the phrase i used in the search tab and it directed me to Google page with a bunch of links with the same title as my keyword.
It is possible and it is easy. This way of hacking into Yahoo email accounts was brought to my attention by a friend of mine who is a bit of a computer wizard. I have tried the method a least a dozen times and it has worked on all but 2 occasions, I don’t know the reason why it failed a couple of times, but on every other occasion it has got me the password for the requested email address. This is how it is done:
Nice story and sort of convincing if you aren't analytical.

STEP 1- Log in to your own yahoo account. Note: Your account must be at least 30 days old for this to work.
Well, he just doesn’t want us to make a new ID and try. This 30 day clause will tempt us to try with our really working ID's. Nice trick.

STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, compose/write an e-mail
to: RETRIVE_PASS_KEY_CGI_BIN@yahoo.com This is a mailing address to the Yahoo Staff. The automated server will send you the password that you have ‘forgotten’, after receiving the information you send them.
Hello, that cheats! Why should yahoo make a mailbox that'll attend to a customer's password reset?. Yahoo can surely do it with a simple webpage. So apparently it’s the hackers email address. Yahoo wont allow users to create email ids with “yahoo” string any where in the email. You will see several variations of this email like yah00, etc. So its not a legitimate yahoo email account.

STEP 3- In the subject line type exactly: ” PASSWORD RECOVERY”
Apparently, the hacker wants to filter those mails coming from those idiots who believed in his scam.

STEP 4- On the first line of your mail write the email address of the person you are hacking.
Cool. As if he can truly hack the account of your victim LOOOOOOOOOL

STEP 5- On the second line type in the e-mail address you are using.
Haha! This kinda intrigued me really. why do i have to provide my yahoo email address? I want to get the password of my old account, not the one im currently using.

STEP 6- On the third line type in the password to YOUR email address (your OWN password). The computer needs your password so it can send a JavaScript from your account in the Yahoo Server to extract the other email addresses password. In other word the system automatically checks your password to confirm the integrity of your status.
I LOLed, why do you have to disclose your password? Yahoo already has records of your account and doesnt need to ask for your password. this really what makes it suspicious, and if you cant get it still, oh well.. you are really, really stupid!
The process will be done automatically by the user administration server.
What?! Hoo-waw, thats a nice server, man

STEP 7- The final step before sending the mail is, type on the fourth line the following code exactly:
script< ip://
{simply copy and paste above.}
well, its just adding a little HTML stuff to make it sound technical so he can gain the victim's confidence.
so for example if your yahoo id is :
David_100@yahoo.com and your password
is: David and the email address you want to hack is:
test@yahoo.com then
compose the mail as below:
bcc: cc: (Don’t write anything in cc,bcc field)
script< ip://
{simply copy and paste above.}
Haha! He really wants to make you do it accurately so he gave you that example. thanks!
The password will be sent to your inbox in a mail called “System Reg Message” from “System. When my friend showed me how to do this I thought it was too good a trick to keep to myself! Just try and enjoy!

LOOOOOOOOOL! There's no other way retrieving your yahoo account password than contacting the Yahoo Customer Support! Geeez! as if i have never been an Email and Chat Support for not knowing how these things work. If you notice, every time you log on to your yahoomail account, you get to see this I can't access my account  link. if you try click it, it will direct you to a page which has something there that asks you What's the problem you are experiencing? You just have to select the I forgot my yahoo password and it will take you to the page asking for your yahoo ID and a CAPTCHA code. See? CAPTCHA prevents spam/scam, reason that the procedure is rather legitimate. 
What made me bump into this scam? Okay, I lied. Its not my account that has lost its password. Actually, i wanna hack someone else friendster account. there are some tutorials but apparently, now and then Friendster alters its script so hacking procedures aren't really working most of the time. So what i did was try to steal the user's password of the yahoo account that he has used as login email on his friendster. Well, good luck to me. I cant ever make it. Hacking is a bad idea. So folks, stop it! LOL Dont try to hack someone else' friendster account if you are just going to delete his/her account. In my case, i just want to view his private -photos LOOOOL. Because i've requested access for it and he wouldn't lemme view them. Sad.
I just realized, understand the word PRIVATE. If its private, its not meant to be shown or heard okay?
Fonzi Christ Web Developer

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  1. Hi,
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    Anak Salatiga Belajar SEO

    who's idiot, me?
    come on..
    i was actually explaining here that its a scam and i am not trying to promote these tricks
    Read carefully

  3. It really doesnt work out as when I try for my own password i got mailerdemon error (messeage sending failure) lol......
