02 July 2009

Super Duper Cheesy

i have just deleted my old Plurk account. i also deactivated my old Facebook account.
i know this is sooo wrong. but i love him, im sorry. i'll do whatever he suggests me to do.
he deleted his. so i deleted mine as he suggested. Fair enough.
i lost contacts with some friends.
but its okay, he's here. and we're okay, finally....

Thanks to some friends who were just around the corner.
And to some friends who might be islands apart, yet they're always
there for me to console me when im lonesome.

i've been feeling sooo empty these couple of weeks back.
i feel so emotionally devastated and i went nuts!
but thanks, i've been through it already.
i thought im losing him but i've been firm.
i still have him.
and probably, we'll be together
till the feeling gets weak
and the love expires..
Goodluck to me, LOL.
Fonzi Christ Web Developer

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